Selasa, 26 Januari 2010


Ni berita bener2 bisa bikin jantung para Cassies berdegup tak menentu!! >,,<

Sblum lupa,, Happy Birthday JaeJung-sshi!!!
Dikasih hadiah apa ma Yunnie bear ?? 

"I give him a HUG.." says YunHo..*in my dream :P*

미안해~~ telat ngucapinnya.. hehehe

Hope TVXQ will always be together.. forever.. and ever...

Dibawah ini berita yg 나는 dapetin dari Blog-nya BlackCassie....

--The President of Korea fanclub: "TVXQ! is all right,everyone is fine.TVXQ! come back! , and everyone is back ,everyone is very happy, the korea cassiopeia no need to worry again, TVXQ! is now doing the preparation of 11th years,saying that want to repay all the cassiopeia,let all of us keep it up! TVXQ! member,Kim Jae Jung want me to tell China cassiopeia :''The next year,the first country we want to go is China, we still want to held concert in Shanghai,we will perform a better song and dance so that everyone happy.'' Yet,the company claims that they want to modify the contract is because of TVXQ!,let everyone live properly?[cant understand this line...],After all, TVXQ! is just a child, you-all is also just a child, very sorry to let you-all and TVXQ! suffer so many thing.Therefore, Lee Soo Man decide to continue the contract with TVXQ! for 10 years, until they cant dance and sing anymore, but I believe TVXQ! is still very popular at that time." ♥ :D--

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